Sweet cicely
Myrrhis odorata
Sweet cicely is one of the few herbs that thrives in the shade. It prefers moist soil and cool temperatures. All parts of sweet cicely are edible and impart a slight anise flavor to recipes. Use the leaves either fresh or dried in salads. Seeds are sometimes substituted for caraway; roots may be peeled, boiled, and eaten as a vegetable. The plant grows 3 feet tall and wide with fernlike foliage. In late spring, sweet cicely bears clusters of attractive white flowers.
Ligth: Part sun, Sun
Type: Herb
Height: 1 to 3 feet
Width: 30-36 inches wide
Flower color: White
Seasonal features: Spring bloom
Special features: Cut flowers, Fragrance, Good for containers
Zones: 3-7
Cultivation of Sweet Cicely / Myrrh
Site: Sweet cicely likes a soil that is rich and on the moist side. It also does well in a shaded location. If you are in a hot climate the shade is really important, and the moisture because it doesn’t do well in the heat.
Propagation: Sweet Cicely is difficult to germinate the seed because it needs to freeze, then thaw before germinating. Also the seed needs to be fresh to get a good germination rate. It’s easiest to look for a plant.
Growing: The individual plants are short lived, but it seeds itself like crazy and can become quite invasive if it likes its conditions. . Its leaves are a pretty mottled green, and are large and fairly deeply cut.
Harvesting: Harvest young leaves and stems for culinary use at any time. Leaves wilt quickly, so pick them just before use. Sweet cicely leaves are best when fresh, as they do not dry well and lose some of their flavor when frozen.
Harvest seed heads while the seeds are still green and unripe. Collect seed heads with a small portion of stem attached. Hang upside down by the stems to dry. Store dry seeds in an airtight container.