“Cardamom Iced Tea Recipe” quick and simple recipe-Summer Coolers Recipe

Cardamom Iced Tea Recipe


  •  4 glasses water
  • 2 teaspoons tea leaves
  • 2 green cardamoms
  • Sugar to taste


  1.  Add 2 green cardamoms, pound roughly to the water before you put it on the fire then boil the water. As soon as it comes to the boil, turn off the heat, add the tea leaves, and cover the pan and leave to infuse for a few minutes. If you are using large-leaf Darjeeling, leave for 3-10 minutes. If the leaves are broken, less time is required.
  2. Strain into a jug and stir in the sugar. Stir well to dissolve it completely. As soon as the liquor cools, refrigerate it.
  3. Add a few cubes of ice and pour in the tea
  4. Then stir it well
  5. Makes 4 glasses

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